Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Once a bestfriend of mine.
Both of them . but bcos of some stupid things
i did,and they did. we're no longer in a friendship.
but im not regretin it. cause i realize that they are
nothing but an ass in my world. they gave me problems
instead of happiness . once i thought they are the
coolest person that ive ever met.but days passed by
and i realize that they're nothing but pis of shit,
they ruin my life like hell.

i was so naive to realize they were obviously using me
for their own goodness. i was just a little girl,indeed.
and i was looking high on her that i would do anything,
ANYTHING for her to be happy.
but in the end. she would just choose him the one that
hurts him most of the time,who is obviously using her.
so there was me CHEERING her UP,TELLING HER to forget
the GUY. leave HIM. Dont Go see him. BUT what i get??
she called him. asked him to go out with her. telling
him that she loves him so damn much.

and i was to Good and forgive her for troubling me
so much and to take my PRECIOUS TIME for listening
to her CRAPS and bullshits. why am i so stupid ?
i trusted her and i loved her and how can i ever think
that she would leave her boyfriend for friends.
she is just the same like "OUR" other friends who
would ditched friends for boyfriends..

i hope i wont be the same..



i was once live a happy life.
not to think about things.
i was being an Ass and social bitch.
it was FUN but the consequences i get
wasnt fun at all.

im missing them so much.
everyone seems busy with their lifes nowdays.
and i cant see myself with them anymore.
but life goes on..
i only can miss them.
and sometimes we'll meet online.
but its hard to be like those days. :(



  1. azi... u look pretty in ur last pic......
    cicak 3am!!!!!!! teehee!
